Mel Kasting

Clinical Herbalist, RH (AHG)

Schedule an appointment today!

Mel Kasting, owner of Forest Edge Herbals, runs her independent clinical herbal practice in the Forest & Meadow clinic. She is trained in functional herbalism, a modality that blends traditional western herbalism with clinical nutrition and functional medicine. It is a systems-based model that honors traditional plant-based care, while recognizing the importance of lifestyle modifications, herbs, and supplements, alongside functional laboratory testing, to address the whole person rather than an isolated set of symptoms or disease. She blends this modality with somatic herbal practices and resiliency building because addressing personal, societal and intergenerational trauma is a part of the healing process.

Practice Info: 
I believe that healthcare is a human right; no one will be turned away for lack of funds, I am happy to work with you within your financial situation. This includes: Full or partial bartering (including work/trade, products and services) and sliding scale appointments. I also run a student-led free clinic through the Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine and will be able to refer folks who truly can't afford services. Please email for options!

Foundational to my clinical practice is a commitment to client-centered care and an awareness of how personal, cultural and societal traumas affect our health. Resiliency-building practices and nervous system support are built into all health plans. I also offer somatic herbal experiencing for those who are interested in more focused mental health support. I am a facilitator of health, my clients are the healers.

I am trained in Functional Herbalism, a plant centered practice integrating traditional western herbalism with clinical nutrition and functional medicine. It is a model that honors traditional plant-based care, while recognizing the importance of lifestyle modifications, herbs, and supplements, alongside functional laboratory testing to address the whole person rather than an isolated set of symptoms or disease. I am not a doctor and do not use blood work to diagnose illness, only as a tool to support health.

My practice modality lends itself well to complicated chronic health issues. The body is complicated but with a varied set of symptoms there are often one or two root causes. Because of this I am able to work with many ailments, including but not limited to:
  • Acne and skin problems
  • Chronic digestive complaints
  • Nervous system dysregulation (POTS, Hypervigilance)
  • Mental health struggles (anxiety, depression, PTSD/C-PTSD)
  • Insomnia
  • Allergies, histamine intolerance and mast cell activation disorders
  • Autoimmunity
  • Chronic and acute infections
  • Metabolic Issues (hormone dysregulation, Hypo/Hyperthyroidism, insulin resistance, diabetes)
  • Fatigue
  • High Blood Pressure

What to Expect: You will fill out your intake forms and upload any recent blood work within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment time. The initial intake lasts around 1 hour. The first session is about information gathering and getting to know each other. We will go over your intake forms in-depth, and you will have time to share your health narrative and we will clarify your health goals together. You will receive a customized health plan within 72 hours of your consult. 


Initial Intake: $200
  • Pre-assessment of 16-page intake packet
  • 1 hour initial appointment
  • A customized health plan
  • A 30 minute follow-up appointment
  • Unlimited email correspondence (within reason)
Follow ups: $60

Tuesday 11am - 7pm

For more information, please reach out at