Campfire Drunk Soap (Such and Such Farm)

Campfire Drunk Soap (Such and Such Farm)


Apple Pie Moonshine

Campfire drunk is a special kind of drunk. A little more rowdy than wine drunk. Not as dumb as tequila drunk. Yes, campfire drunk is right in the middle of drinking a couple of beers under the stars then passing out in a pile of leaves (even though your tent is right there) while your car radio drains your battery dead. Happy Fall everyone.

Ingredients: Lard, cinnamon basil infused coconut oil, olive oil, castor oil, fragrance

Such and Such Farm soaps are made with farm-made ingredients and botanicals. They save the fat from their pigs and take the time to render it into lard. They handmilk their goats every morning for fresh, creamy milk. Then they grow or forage herbs, plant and vegetables. And finally, they infuse those botanicals into teas, oils or mix them directly into the soap. Each bar of soap comes from a small batch, made by their farm and made by hand.