Evergreen Essential Oil Mixture
Evergreen Essential Oil Mixture

Evergreen Essential Oil Mixture


The expansive aroma of breathe encourages deepened breath. Breathe is best used to ease and clear breathing during difficult times. 

Black Spruce Picea mariana, Fir Abies balsamea, and Pine Pinus sylvestris

Aromatic Characterization
Fresh, sweet, and woodsy aroma 

How to Use
Add 20 - 30 drops to a diffuser to create a forest-like atmosphere in your space. Add a couple of drops to shower to revitalize. Add a couple of drops to the palm of hand with a dollop of a carrier oil and rub onto the chest to expand breathing. 

Safety Precautions
Skin sensitization if oxidized. Not for internal use. Avoid contact with eyes. Patch test before use on sensitive skin. Do not use undiluted on skin. Do not use during pregnancy or nursing without consulting a physician.